Spreadsheet In Tagalog

Spreadsheet In Tagalog

What Is Spreadsheet the spreadsheet is ____________________________________________________________________

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1. What Is Spreadsheet the spreadsheet is ____________________________________________________________________


A spreadsheet is a computer application for organization, analysis, and storage of data in tabular form. Spreadsheets were developed as computerized analogs of paper accounting worksheets. The program operates on data entered in cells of a table.


hope it helps pakibrainliest

2. What are the advantages of using electronic spreadsheet of the manual spreadsheet?​


Advantages of using an electronic spreadsheet:

•Easy to move copy, edit, and delete table entries.

•Easy to format design and appearance of table.

•Ability to perform "what-if" or sensitivity analysis by changing values to see how related entries are adjusted.

3. 16. Spreadsheets are used as slode pontos adeland automatically calculate the valuesentered.17-22.Spreadsheets are used asto track personaland celulared numbersamong others.and23-25.Spreadsheets are used toinformation26-30.Spreadsheets are used for What-if.You may changein a spreadsheet and all the calculations in aspreadsheet willchange.​


E is a good one and I love the idea of the drummers of japan taiko drum and the event in the story of the drummers of japan taiko drum and the event in the story of the drummers of japan taiko drum and the

4. Directions: Compare between a Spreadsheet and an Electronic Spreadsheet. Write your answer in the appropriate column below. ​


speed of electronic is spreadsheet.

5. Learning Task 5: Answer the following questions: 1. What is an electronic spreadsheet 2. What is the importance of using electronic spreadsheet? 3. If you were to use spreadsheet, what is the first thing you should do Explain 4. Why do we need to use electronic spreadsheet? 5. How to use electronic spreadsheet in a proper way?​


1. electronic spreadsheet - is an electronic version of the accountant's traditional paper spreadsheet, which stores numeric data in two-dimensional tables that display the results of calculations performed on these data

2. Electronic spreadsheets computerise the traditional layout of any tabulation or complex calculation done with pencil, paper and calculator. They therefore have great potential in aiding routine calculations which might be done by these means or with a small BASIC computer program.

3. The first step in creating a worksheet is to add your headings in the row of cells at the top of the sheet (row 1). Technically, you don't need to start right in the first row, but unless you want to add more information before your table—like a title for the chart or today's date—there's no point in wasting space.

4. electronic spreadsheet can be used to automatically perform numerical calculations. Spreadsheet programs are usually set up in the form of a table with rows and columns. Each row and column intersects to form a cell in which data may be stored.

5. Spreadsheet skills allow students to organize, calculate, graph, and analyze data. These skills provide a critical foundation in preparation for future studies and the workplace. Today, many careers require knowledge of how to use a spreadsheet program.


hope it helps <3 thanks

6. what is spreadsheet ​


an electronic document in which data is arranged in the rows and columns of a grid and can be manipulated and used in calculations.



what is spreadsheet


spreadsheet, computer program that represents information in a two-dimensional grid of data, along with formulas that relate the data. Historically, a spreadsheet is an accounting ledger page that shows various quantitative information useful for managing a business.



7. true or false? 1.MS Excel have larger spreadsheets compared with otherspreadsheet.​





8. 1. Ano ang MS Spreadsheet? 2. Ano ang magagawa ng isang spreadsheet?

is a sheet of paper that have an column and rows

9. What is a spreadsheet?


A spreadsheet is a computer program that can capture, display and manipulate data arranged in rows and columns. Spreadsheets are one of the most popular tools available with personal computers. A spreadsheet is generally designed to hold numerical data and short text strings.

10. Activity.11.what is the difference between spreadsheet and electronic spreads.2.what are the advantages of using the electronic spreadsheet to the manual spreadsheets.3.how can an electronic spreadsheet help you at home in your studies and in business?answer it ipapasa kona..​


Manual spreadsheets are created on green ledger paper with a mechanical pencil. There are rows and columns of data. An electronic spreadsheet has the same arrangement of rows and columns. But the totals in the total column, total row, and grand total automatically recalculate every time you change any value.Merits of electronic spreadsheets over manual worksheets. An electronic spreadsheet has automatic built-in functions and formulae for doing calculations thus: Enhancing accuracy. Enhancing speed. Enhancing efficiency.Electronic spreadsheet software improves productivity by reducing the labor of everyday accounting tasks. As you type the data into the spreadsheet, formulas instantly calculate multiple totals at the same time.. It also does averages, minimum/maximum functions and more advanced formulas and statistics.



11. electronic spreadsheet​

electronics spreadsheet

An electronic spreadsheet (or simply a 'spreadsheet') is an electronic version of the accountant's traditional paper spreadsheet, which stores numeric data in two-dimensional tables that display the results of calculations performed on these data.

12. electronic spreadsheet is computer application or program that allows you to manipulate and navigate spreadsheet using your______?​


MS Excel


nakita ko rin lang po yan dito sabi lang kayo pag mali.

Sana makatulong

13. Spreadsheet Functions​

Answesana malinaw ung lic

14. is a poem a spreadsheet​


hUh? dko po gets ang question niyo

15. what is spreadsheet?​


a spreadsheet or worksheet is the computer equivalent of a paper ledger sheet. It consists of a grid,made from columns and rows.

16. Learning Task 5: Answer the following questions: 7. What is an electronic spreadsheet? 2. What is the importance of using electronic spreadsheet? 3. If you were to use spreadsheet, what is the first thing you should do? Explain. 4. Why do we need to use electronic spreadsheet? 5. How to use electronic spreadsheet in a proper way? CU​


7.) a soft ware that application enable a user to save sort and managing the data

2.) aiding routine calculations

3.) heading in the row of cells of the spreadsheet

to easy to calculation the formula numbers determine percentage.

17. spreadsheet application ​


bye bye bye bye bye bye bye


Microsoft excel


19. 1. Ano ang MS Spreadsheet? 2. Ano ang magagawa ng isang spreadsheet?

para ito sa paggawa ng mga charts o graphs

20. C. EVALUATIONLET'S ANSWER SOME QUESTION1. What is Excel Spreadsheet/worksheet?2. What are some important parts of an Excel Spreadsheet/worksheet?3. How do we use Excel Spreadsheet/worksheet?4. What is the importance of Excel Spreadsheet/worksheet?5. Which function in the Excel Spreadsheet/worksheet you find very helpful?Why?​


1.The term Worksheet used in Excel documents is a collection of cells organized in rows and columns. It is the working surface you interact with to enter data. Each worksheet contains 1048576 rows and 16384 columns and serves as a giant table that allows you to organize information.

2.Components of a Spreadsheet

spreadsheet - a table in which you can enter and manipulate data.

cell - a table entry. ...

row - cells aligned horizontally. ...

column - cells aligned vertically. ...

range - the specification for a series of cells. ...

function - an operation applied to a range of cells, always beginning with an "=" sign.

3.A worksheet is a collection of cells where you keep and manipulate the data. Each Excel workbook can contain multiple worksheets.

4Spreadsheets are an essential business and accounting tool. They can vary in complexity and can be used for various reasons, but their primary purpose is to organize and categorize data into a logical format. Once this data is entered into the spreadsheet, you can use it to help organize and grow your business.

5.The VLOOKUP function is one of the most commonly used and recognizable functions in Excel. It will look for a value in a table and return information from another column relating to that value. It is great for combining data from different lists into one or comparing two lists for matching or missing items.

21. why is electronic spreadsheet a better alternative to the manual spreadsheet? i need the answer rb thankyouu


Manual spreadsheets are created on green ledger paper with a mechanical pencil. There are rows and columns of data. An electronic spreadsheet has the same arrangement of rows and columns. But the totals in the total column, total row, and grand total automatically recalculate every time you change any value.

22. What are the advantages of using electronic spreadsheet over the manual spreadsheet?



1.) Easy to correct and fix errors

2.) Print out nice clean reports


1.) Difficult to learn

23. What is any document with a grid of rows and columns? Spreadsheet Electric Spreadsheet Cell Numerical data


A spreadsheet or worksheet is a file made of rows and columns that help sort, organize, and arrange data efficiently, and calculate numerical data.


Sana makatulong

24. what is a spreadsheet?​


A spreadsheet is a computer application for organization, analysis, and storage of data in tabular form. Spreadsheets were developed as computerized analogs of paper accounting worksheets. The program operates on data entered in cells of a table


pabrainliest po



A spreadsheet is a computer application for organization, analysis, and storage of data in tabular form. Spreadsheets were developed as computerized analogs of paper accounting worksheets. The program operates on data entered in cells of a table. Each cell may contain either numeric or text data, or the results of formulas that automatically calculate and display a value based on the contents of other cells. A spreadsheet may also refer to one such electronic document.

25. A_____is predesigned spreadsheet that you can use to create new spreadsheets with the same formatting and predefined formulas ​




A template is a predesigned spreadsheet you can use to create a new workbook quickly. Templates often include custom formatting and predefined formulas, so they can save you a lot of time and effort when starting a new project.

26. essay about what are the possible uses or application for spreadsheet software and why is it better than the traditional spreadsheet? ​


The only thing it was good to see it is what it will cost me a fortune cookie dough and then I will get back with yourself


hve it is that you can get it is what it will cost me a fortune cookies and cream cheese frosting and cream cheese and a great time and I hope to see you're still interested in the position

27. types of spreadsheet.​


manual,electronic and VisiCalc.


#hope it helps


The 3 types of spreadsheets

Small databases.


Business Processes

28. 1. Why is it important to be familiar with different functions and formulas in anelectronic spreadsheet tool in an electronic spreadsheet?​


Formulas and functions can be useful in more complex situations, including calculating mortgage payments, solving engineering or math problems, and creating financial models.

29. It is designed to perform basic mathematical and arithmetic operations.A. Application Program B. Electronic Spreadsheet Application ProgramC. Electronic Spreadsheet D. Spreadsheet​

B. Electronic Spreadsheet Application Program

30. ________ is an electronic spreadsheet?​


Microsoft Excel Sana makatulong ☺️


spread? tunapay

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