Epic In Philippine Literature

Epic In Philippine Literature

what is epics and folktales in philippine literature? ​

Daftar Isi

1. what is epics and folktales in philippine literature? ​

An epic in a narrative poem recounting the adventures of tribal heroes. (Example: Biag ni Lam-Ang). Epic poetry is considered as the highest point of development for Philippine folk literature. A folktale is a story containing the traditional knowledge of the people. This includes fairytales, fables, legends, tall stories, etc. Filipino Folktales reflect the tradition of the Filipino people.

2. Define epic and its importance in the literature of the Philippines. ​


Filipino epic poetry is considered to be the highest point of development for Philippine folk literature, encompassing narratives that recount the adventures of tribal heroes


#Carry On Learning❤

3. Define epic and its importance in the literature of the Philippines​


Primary examples of epics in the first group are Lam-Ang, the Ulalim, Labaw Donggon, Bantugan, Lumalindaw, and Kudaman.


hope it helps


Philippine epic poetry is the body of epic poetry in Philippine literature. Filipino epic poetry is considered to be the highest point of development for Philippine folk literature, encompassing narratives that recount the adventures of tribal heroes. These epics are transmitted through oral tradition using a select group of singers and chanters.

Depiction of Lam-Ang, the protagonist of Biag ni Lam-Ang, an Ilocano epic.

A study revealed that the Philippine folk epics, like those found in Asia, are often about a quest for a wife as well as the various ordeals linked to the founding of a family, hamlet, tribe or a kingdom. The narratives would include voyages - on earth, sea, sky, and the underworld - to allow the hero or heroine to overcome the challenges faced. After their ordeals, the protagonists - through improvement of their personal qualities - would become ideals for their genders.

4. Only Visayan literature that can qualify as epic


what is the question or direction


what is the question or direction

5. . The longest epic in Indian literature​


Indian Literature


6. What makes it difficult for oral literature such as epics to be incorporated into the literary component of the curriculum for Philippine schools? ​


it's to its diverse cultural background

pls correct me if I'm wrong

7. what epic in tge Philippines literature have incidents similar to those in "beowulf fight with grendel"​


Indarapatra and Sulaiman.


8. list of epics in philippines

Centuries before the Spaniards came, the Filipinos already had their own cultural traditions, folklore, mythologies and epics. They are the folk epics, transferred from one generation to the next through oral tradition, with the use of singers or chanters. These singers or chanters were often high priests or priestesses in their tribes. These epics were a great source of entertainment and inspiration especially to the youth. In Mindanao, they would call the epic singer, "Onor." Some of the epics, because of their length, would take the singer or chanter seven nights of singing or chanting to finish. The singer or chanter, may either be a male or a female, would sing for minimum of two hours to six hours every night. These events were often festal and recreational occasions like wedding ceremonies, wakes, prestige rites, peace pact agreements, when an ancestor's bones are dug out to be blessed, harvest seasons, when a wild boar is caught, or to welcome a guest, coupled with feasts for the community, supported by either the head of the tribe or a rich and prominent family within the community. The epics were later on transcribed and preserved by rich families as family heirloom.

9. What makes it difficult for oral literature such as epics to be incorporated into the literary component of the curriculum for Philippine schools?​


my answer is oral literature is the epics curriculum in the Philippines


sana makatulong

10. these are among the outstanding forms of philippine pre-colonial literaturea. folk epicsb. folk songsc. folk narrativesd. folktalesnonsense report​




: a characteristically anonymous, timeless, and placeless tale circulated orally among a people.

11. 1 give another example of literature from the Philippines made during the precolonial period.if possible specific where it originates:Folktale:Fable:Legend:Myth:epic:​


The Monkey and The Turtle

Slow and steady wins the race

Ali Baba

Icarus flying too close to the sun until his wax wings melted


12. what is epic in literature?​


It is a long narrative poem recounting heroic deeds, although the term has also been loosely used to describe novels.


a work of art (such as a novel or drama) that resembles or suggests an epic.

13. label this with "simple sentence" "compound sentence" "complex sentence" "compound-complex sentence" Philippine literature is the literature associated with the Philippines and includes the Philippines' prehistoric legends and colonial legacy. Epics were actually transmitted from generations to generation originally by oral traditional African literature, literary works of the African continent, pre-Hispanic Philippines literature. African literature consists of a body of work that ranges from oral literature to literature written in multiple languages and different genres.HELP ME PLEASE ​


complex sentence


because it only have dependent and independent clause.

14. II. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose and write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided. 11. These are also known as myths and legends. a. Epics b. Tales c.proverbs d.riddles12. Hinilawod is one of the best centered? d. a. Epics b. Tales c. proverbs d.riddles 13. In what era is there an apparent shift in Philippine literature's emphasis, making it more Christian- 14. c. proverbs of the Philippines. roof of the world. a. Philippine Literature b. Spanish Colonial Philippine Literature c. Literature under American Colonial Period d. 15. "Isang butil ng palay, sakot ang buong buhay," is an example of what forms of literature? b. Tales c. proverbs a. Epics d. riddles 16. "Laughter is the best medicine," is an example of what forms of literature? b. Tales c. proverbs a. Epics d. riddles 17. Mt. Everest, located at Mahalangur Himal, a subrange of the Himalayas, with its height of 29,029 ft is the a. An extended limit b. the highest point c. an upper limit d. extremely high point 18. In the poem, Preludes by T.S. Eliot, imagery is used. Which line appear to the sense of touch? JON Page 1 of 3PASAGOT PO PLEASE NEED ASAP​


11. a







15. the epic age characteristic of literature during spanish period​


long before the Spaniards and other foreigners landed or set foot on Philippine shores, our forefathers already had their own literature stamped in the history of our race.

 Our ancient literature shows our customs and traditions in everyday life as traced in our folk stories, old plays and short stories.                        


Our ancestors also had their own alphabet which was different from that brought by the Spaniards. The first alphabet used by our ancestor was similar to that of the Malayo-Polynesian alphabet. Whatever records our ancestors left were either burned by the Spaniards friars in the belief that they were works of the devil or were written on materials that easily perished, like the barks of trees, dried leaves and bamboo cylinders which could not have remained undestroyed even if efforts were made to preserve them. Other records that remained showed folk songs that proved the existence of a native culture truly our own. Some of these were passed on byword of mouth till they reached the hands of some publishers or printers who took interest in printing the manuscripts of the ancient Filipinos. The Spaniards who came to the Philippines tried to prove that our ancestors were really fond of poetry, songs, stories, riddles and proverbs which we still enjoy today and which serve to show to generations the true culture of our people.

16. .Philippine Literature before 1940 can be divided into three periods. EXCEPT? a. Epic Age b. Japanese occupation c. Spanish occupation d. American occupation



Hindi po ako s u r e

correct me if I'm wrong

17. The following are the characteristics during American Period Except; A. Religious literature are contributed B. Rehabilitation and reconstruction of infrastructures C. The Philippine public school system was introduced D. Philippine epics and folks tales varied and filled with magical characters


d Po basta


sana makatulong

18. ancient literature is mainly composed of blank and epic poems​

Epic Poetry

An epic poem is a lengthy narrative poem, ordinarily involving a time beyond living memory in which occurred the extraordinary doings of the extraordinary men and women who, in dealings with the gods or other superhuman forces, gave shape to the mortal universe for their descendants, the poet and their audience, to understand themselves as a people or nation.

19. 1.     What are the epics of Philippine literature? Give the title and the place from which the epic originated. 2. 2    What is the title of the first book printed in the Philippines? 3.     What are the different social classes during the Spanish colonial period? Briefly describe each. 4.     Who are the “Illustrados” and what are their aliases? 5.     What is the importance of studying the literary history?     ​

1. Primary examples of epics in the first group are Lam-Ang, the Ulalim, Labaw Donggon, Bantugan, Lumalindaw, and Kudaman.

2.Doctrina Christiana

3.The social class system of Latin America goes as follows from the most power and fewest people, to those with the least amount of power and the most people: Peninsulares, Creoles, Mestizos, Mulattoes, Native Americans and Africans.

4.The Ilustrados (Spanish: [ilusˈtɾaðos], "erudite", "learned" or "enlightened ones") constituted the Filipino educated class during the Spanish colonial period in the late 19th century. They were the middle class who were educated in Spain and exposed to Spanish liberal and European nationalist ideals.

5.The study of Literature lends to an understanding of our history, our society and sometimes ourselves. With Literature, we see the Countries and People as they were. We experience the different climates,language and tone. Literature also gives us glimpses of much earlier ages.

please mark me as a brainliest

20. Before the Spanish colonizers came, the Philippines already had its own oral literature in the form of riddles. proverbs, myths, and epics. True or False?​




21. The early malay's literature which was influenced by indian epics​


the Mahabharata

Early Malays literature was mainly influenced by Indian epics, such as the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, which later included other traditions that now form the Malay literary heritage prose which were delivered through generations by oral, such as the Hikayat Mara Karma, Hikayat Panca Tanderan and Hikayat Gul Bakawali ...


that's the real answer

22. Epic of the philippines

Epiko ng Biag ni Lam-angpulong nadiskobre ni magelan n sya namang gustong kunin ni lapu lapu..haha

23. 4. Clung to their oral folklore and traditional way of life due to the inaccessibility of their homes a thirty epicsb. Hudhud chants and Darangen epicsc. remote tribesd. folk epice. much of Philippine literaturef. Western colonizers​


D. Ayan po Sana mala help Mark me as a brainliest thank you

24. what is the epic of the philippines?

Hud Hud ni Alim from Ifugao
Biag ni lam-ang from Ilocos
Ibong Adarna
Florante at Laura of Balagtasdarangon , idarapatra                        

25. please help me guys to answer this?what epics in the Philippine literature have incidents similar to those in Beowul's fight with Grendel​


ibalong epic


It has both heroes and monsters. The story ibalong is about 3 heroes of bicolandia that saved bicol from monsters like oryol, dambuhala, buwaya, and others. The 3 heroes name are baltog,handyong, and bantong.

26. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the precolonial literature of the Philippines? A. Precolonial literature includes literature passed from generation to generation through word of mouth. B. Precolonial literature includes dramas and novels. C. Precolonial literature includes chants, proverbs, and songs. D. Precolonial literature includes folktales, mythologies, and epics.


letter A or b or C or D suggest me

A. Precolonial literature includes literature passed from generation to generation through word of mouth.

27. what is longest epic in world of literature with 100,000 verses​


the Mahabharata (Mahābhārata)


The longest epic written is the ancient Indian Mahabharata (c. 3rd century BC–3rd century AD), with more than 220,000 (100,000 shloka or couplets) verses and about 1.8 million words in total.

28. It is the body of stories and epics may be originated from various ethnic faiths distinct from one another. A.Philippine literature B.Philippine mythology C.Philippine religion D. Philippine spirituality


B. Philippine Mythology

29. What literature does the epic of Beowulf fall?​


Beowulf, heroic poem, the highest achievement of Old English literature and the earliest European vernacular epic. It deals with events of the early 6th century and is believed to have been composed between 700 and 750.Sep 23


Beowulf, heroic poem, the highest achievement of Old English literature and the earliest European vernacular epic. It deals with events of the early 6th century and is believed to have been composed between 700 and 750. Although originally untitled, it was later named after the Scandinavian hero Beowulf, whose exploits and character provide its connecting theme. There is no evidence of a historical Beowulf, but some characters, sites, and events in the poem can be historically verified. The poem did not appear in print until 1815. It is preserved in a single manuscript that dates to circa 1000 and is known as the Beowulf manuscript (Cotton MS Vitellius A XV) .

30. Which of the following is TRUE about epics? A. It is a long narrative poem. C. It explains the origin of things or phenomena. B. It deals with animal characters. D. It is contemporary literature.What form of precolonial Philippine literature usually contains ideas on aspirations, hopes, everyday life and expressions of love for loved ones? A. Epics B. Folk Tales C. Folk Songs D. Riddles​


1 is A and 2 is C


Trust me mark me brainliest TY

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